What we offer your customers
Full range of in-house debt solutions
Online tools
Easy-to-use budgeting and benefits tools
A dedicated vulnerable customer support team
Additional support from external partners
Seamless switching between online and phone advice
Book, amend and cancel advice sessions online
By teaming up with us, you can help boost the financial wellbeing of your employees – creating a happier, more production, more engaged workforce. The benefits for your employees can be life changing. And it’s all FREE.
Why financial wellbeing matters
Employees with money worries are more likely to be absent from work. And even if they don’t end up taking time off, financial distress can lead to presenteeism – where employees still come to work but don’t perform to their usual standards.
Over a quarter (28%) of people say money worries have negatively impacted their productivity at work*
Only 18% of organisations have an employee financial wellbeing policy**
Mental ill-health costs employers an estimated £34.9bn a year**
The total cost to the UK economy in lost productivity due to financial worries is an estimated £120bn**
Workers put the impact on their performance down to sleepless nights, stress and anxiety, and being too distracted to concentrate
Employees covered by such a policy are seven times more likely to feel positive about the impact their employer has on their financial wellbeing